Ferry Kurniawan & Abdul Bari


Gambling is one of the dark sides of society besides its high crime rate. Gambling seems to be a common thing or commonplace. Almost in every area day and night we can find people both upper and lower class who do gambling, although not on the implementation of the cow.

            The results obtained that first, the process of the occurrence of gambling in the race cow gambler in the first round in front of the finish line each carrying a scap to be a benchmark for them to make bets. Second, in the prevention and handling of gambling in the cattle or other gambling, in addition to the police action also needs to be taken various ways that are persuasive and also involve community leaders and religious leaders to participate in overcoming the rampant gambling in the cattle raid that occurs, by reporting to the parties is obliged to know the existence of gambling in the cattle racing and to find out the places of gambling so as not to find the gambling in the cow rafting in Pamekasan regency.


Keywords: Police, Gambling.

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